Music Piece

When the season is over, I will cry

When the season is over, I will cry. When the season is over, I will cry. When the season is over, I will cry.

Inspiration Poetry


A balloon, that is too big. It is tense and taut. No wrong movement. It will explode. Once it explodes, air floats out. Not so concerning. Maybe. But the sound is. I know the sound. It is a naked, dumb, yet piercing Tkash! I know the sound. It is high, very quick, short. It begins […]



Freedom is not just the next prison waiting for us. Freedom is freedom. A horse rides wild. Tamed horses’ bones carry stories of their fathers. The old ones, those who galloped in velds. Tame a horse, and it may add to your garment’s elegant touch. Let it free and you’ll glow in grace. Even some […]


I Hate You – I Love You

Today I want to share with you the poetry of a precious Georgian poet, shepherd, mountain man, spirit listener, and wisdom keeper, Vazha Pshavela. I hate you – I love you I hate you for your weakness, your strong arm and tearful face and your dark, black destiny, why always shrouded in black? Spurning friends, […]



Clipper, Clipper, Clipp, Clipp, Clipp I clip my fingernails with a clipper of steel. I clip off the skin. I clip off the bones, I clip off the Keratin, I clip off odd old parts, The land smiles and says: You know now, too, you and I are not very different, your nails are mine, […]


Failure is Freedom

A wise man named Bukowski once said, failure brings freedom. It brings spaciousness to those, who have a hard time regulating their fire when exciting, upwards-moving times come. Persephone spends half of her time in the underworld and the other half exposed to the sun. We easily overlook our moon, our moon’s cycles. In these […]



I have a fever. A wise woman once said, When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back. The lake called me today. It said dragonflies were awaiting me. And greenish, golden water. I went. It was morning. Still sunny. I stood halfway in, water covering my calves. Then I whooshed in, with a […]



Grey hair like rocks, blue eyes of history, palms shunned from weapons, hands creating life. Bigfoot, I called him. He nested in his bear cave, withdrawn from eyes, on a street, whose name sounded like colors. His window had to be shut, always. It was autumn, red oak tree leaves floated with the winds. I’d […]

Inspiration Poetry

My Moon’s Time

A golden light of soothe touched my body. I move. My jaw, loose, Soft pillars. Trickling down from nose to bottom. I wonder if She let it shine. Wondrous beings my body contains. Some long for joint forces, some separate. In depths of sleep’s last drops, a cold arose Woke me up. A mild cold […]


Venus in God’s house

When Venus is in God’s house, the astrological ninth house, Venus worships. Does she? Who? Who do you worship, when you are one with all and all is one with you? Who is left to worship if there is no separation? If Venus is the sweet waters, the fluids, and juices, the junctures and the […]

Inspiration Poetry


My heart ponders, in a tight basket. Where my heart ponders, it is cold and tight. It was left outside. The door was shot. Out of fear of the depth. Deep waters are muddy, maybe. Afraid of ancient Mesopotamian entities, hands draw back. Muddy waters. A risk, for those, who are clean. I was searching […]

Inspiration Poetry

After Mind Surgery

Doing surgery on your mind is like doing surgery on the person who is doing surgery on your brain. In the aftermath, we will feel fuzzy, dizzy, lazy, jaded. Bird’s twittered melodies float into brain waves. Exhausted, they say, my child, you are. We’ll keep peeping, holding the main communications structures in the air. Your […]

Inspiration Poetry

Summer Solstice

The longest day, today, and I am fed with angel dust. The sun’s rays travel beyond the back. Beyond poppy-painted hills. Clouds, lily and violet. Ambrose arises pinkish in the translucent sky. Here I am and here I will be. Whether you see me. Whether your hips raise. Whether your feet gallop the horizon. Here […]

Inspiration Short Fiction


As they met each other, they had both cubicles around them. Rectangular-shaped carcasses of mirrors, that moved along with their movements, fixed to their bodies. The cubicles had mirrors from two sides. He had a mirror to the front and to the left. She had a mirror to the front and to the right. Hello […]

Inspiration Poetry


Horses on meadows. Riding on feathers. May I grow out from the flowers, that coiled me in a runner bean. I spiral my way up. My hair awry, as I drag down. You, who wish to run with the foals, Remember, the rhythmical swaying of the runner’s hair. It’s swift, it’s air fed. Its draft […]


Hungry For Eyes

She came from the Night. Hungry for eyes. The village people took their sight away, after quick glares. We shall not see what we have seen, they thought. We shall unsee what we have seen. They put leaves over her head and on her hands. When they’d speak to her, they would rest their sight […]

Inspiration Poetry


Moments of fear make the world shrink. The vastness, the plenty, the inexhaustible, fade into a blur of yonder. And on this side remains only a wall. One wall that seems too thick, too high. There are gaps between the bricks, though, emitting hope that the arms may be strong enough to box the fists […]

Inspiration Poetry

Dis Trust

Trust. Mislead we were once. Twice, ten times… far too often. Trust, that every encounter is as tied to their experiences as yours. And yet, Bewildered ancient women dance the havoc, Not trusting their sense. Too often betrayed. Their choice of ties remain with the untrustworthy. The familiar cords. Reassurance is a risk. They write […]


Watering the Plan

Watering the plan is like watering the plants. We all know that things need attention, care, and nourishment in order to grow. What kind of attention, though? By watering your garden plants, always favor rainwater over garden hose water. It contains nutrients and organic matter, is softer and has a lower pH level. Rainwater descended […]


Gold’s Panic

A motionless panic of not being worthy, of not being seen, of being judged. Constrained by wire fences, unseen. What do you do? The options, please. Feeling it? Digging out where the fear derives from, yet again? Or turn your attention to something more pleasant, for once? Or being productive so as to mitigate the […]