Inspiration Poetry

Missing God

Feathers touch my forehead from the inside. I didn’t know you were inside me. Blood cells reviving, older than destiny. Why did you leave me? You are here, never left. I cannot be you, otherwise, I miss you. Get out of my head I want to see you!

Inspiration Poetry

Heart’s Walls

Grieving world’s harshness. Grieving shut hearts. Clouds whoosh over the sky, Sun rays find the skin. Skins, borders, though porous, welcoming blood-food in. The heart as old as great Mama, Layered by time’s nesting, Hints to breaches in fort walls, Calls for bridges of kin.

Inspiration Music Piece Poetry Short Fiction

Lost as a Broken Cuckoo

In the depths of the earth lies a green heart. It beats in the rhythm of silver. My sleep did not rest, It trembled my bed. I woke up. It was merely past midnight. The cemetery in front has no walls, Only wires. The gray-filled window wore the town’s mist-covered bricks. Industrial landscapes, inhabited by […]