

I have a fever. A wise woman once said, When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back. The lake called me today. It said dragonflies were awaiting me. And greenish, golden water. I went. It was morning. Still sunny. I stood halfway in, water covering my calves. Then I whooshed in, with a slender jump. There were many dragonflies. Flying towards me, stopping at the forehead. Continuing to fly. It rains. It pours. Sirens were playing melodies. The village announcing a storm. Now it pours. A wise being once said, when you look into the abyss, it looks back. The neighbor brought me today deep red cherries. An old, gaunt man. Thank you good man. I’ll eat them. Greet your wife. He didn’t miss to tell me, that his wife is only partly living with him, the last twenty years. He is all alone. I told him I have fever. I was annoyed today at the lake. There was rubbish everywhere at the shore. I collected it, my blood bumping into my head as if it would be a rope around my neck. The lake is not to deep. No fear of abyss there. Still I didn’t went to far away from the shore. The frogs where orchestrating there crouchy music. The reed and bamboo leaves were dancing an singing with the wind. The sun was burning my back. Are you sure it’s a good idea to swim in fever? Yes, of course. The dragonflies were calling me. The dragonflies were blue and small, also thin. Then there was also a red, magenta dragonfly. Bigger. The blue ones were adorable. They played with each other, hovering just a bit over the surface. I was swaying my legs, staying at one place, where the dragonflies quantified. I filled all waters. I didn’t want the water to be empty when I’m all dry and sick in the night. We need to fill the water canister. No tap water here. Only hose water. And rainwater. I’m glad it is raining. I prayed to the weather today, that it should rain because I’m too weak to water the plants. It is raining. My bed is an abyss. The moon is not visible. It is too cloudy. Overcast. Such a good word. Describing exactly what it is. Overcast. Grey and so on. The sky looks as if it where a big fog though. No massive dark gray formations. Only white. Like in a passage. When you go from one place to another. Except you can’t move. Who knows, maybe you are moved? How would you know, when you see only in fog vision. I’m glad there is the Magnolia tree outside my window. It makes up for the mold in the house. Especially in the bed area. There are many spiders. My head hurts. I was asking a friend once, if they have this old thermometers with quicksilver. In Georgia they have, very commonly. Up to the current day. Yes, they do. It has a charm. The dragonflies were beautiful. I loved how they were tender to each other. Tender, yet playful. I sat then longer at the tiny sand beach. As I maneuvered to set off, a car was just parking at the parking place. What a good timing. It is good when you can get yourself be moved. By the bigger powers. The dragonflies told me something. On the road back through the forest, I didn’t mind the mosquitos biting me. I liked the leafs sounds and play with the sun. The mosquitos did not bite me. There is one tree, a plum tree, further on the road. I like it. One week and it will have sweet fruits. It is on the same property as the cherry tree, which I plucked cherries from. I asked the woman in the house nearby if it was hers. She said no, it was from the neighbors, more down the road, just in front of where I am. I asked then them, and they said yes. I went with a ladder, but I didn’t pluck too much. Right beside that tree is a plum tree. Not ripe yet. Though very cheerful. A good sport. There was this strange silver van today, waiting at the crossing of the street at the lake. My hair is very grouchy. It doesn’t like me not having showered it since a, month? I did though, with rainwater the day before yesterday. In the storm. That was a real storm. Didn’t stop for hours. Pouring water. This one already stopped. I hope it continued. The mold is annoying though. Maybe I got sick from dancing in the storm. Naked. I was naked. Half naked. I was glad to be smart and give my hair a wash. My hair doesn’t agree. The bed is sweaty. Greasy, I shall say. It was sweaty this morning. And in the night. It will also be sweaty this night. The fireflies. They are sweet. Long and slim like dragons. Why do you call the dragonflies? Is it a translation from Chinese? Dragon’s are all over the globe. But I’d imagine the Chinese calling dragonflies, dragonflies. I’d like that. The water is warm. The glass bottle is old. The water is hose water. It is so hot, that the glass bottle full of hose water gets very soon warm. I don’t mind. It has a lot of chalk, though. The church bell just stroked once.